Our Additional Support Tutors are available for any student who feels they need help with revision strategies, stress management, exam techniques, report and presentation writing, essay writing skills, proof reading, coursework etc
The Additional Learning Support Team will treat you as an individual and will help to identify what support and/or equipment may be appropriate to your individual needs. Individual support recommendations and actions will be agreed to make your life at Carmel as accessible and independent as possible.

- Adapted equipment – height adjustable chairs, accessible tables
- Assistive technology – laptops, reading pen, writing slope
- Course materials eg. handouts in alternative formats such as large print, coloured pater etc
- Examination support – extra time, readers, scribes, laptop computers etc.
- Extra support in or out of class
- Individual study skills and advice – coursework, planning, time management, revision, exam techniques, essay and report writing, stress management etc.
- Note taker support and rest breaks
- Tape recorders
This is not an exhaustive list
Support for students with a wide range of learning difficulties/disabilities
The Additional Learning Support Team have experience of working with students with a wide range of learning difficulties/disabilities eg dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, hearing and visual impairment and Aspergers Syndrome. Students who have a medical condition which may affect their studies should also inform the Additional Learning Support department.
The Additional Learning Support Team will ensure that your tutors are aware of your individual support needs and there are opportunities to review your progress on a regular basis. This information will be treated confidentially and only shared with those who need to know.
Contact our Head of Our Head of Additional Support/SENCO, Clare Dawson for further information –clareg@carmel.ac.uk