Congratulations to Upper Sixth student, Lucy Cunliffe, who was selected to play for the England U17’s Rounders squad. They recently had an international fixture against Wales and won the game, which meant they got to bring the Wilkinson Sword trophy home as a team.

Lucy says, “It was the most awesome feeling! Playing for England is the best experience, as you are playing with the top rounders players in the country and you’re like one big family when you’re training together or out in the field. It’s a dream come true and I am honoured to represent our amazing country.”

It hasn’t always been smooth sailing for Lucy, she had her first England trial in 2018 and didn’t make the squad, but this didn’t stop her trying. Lucy was determined to play for her country and went back the year after and was selected for the team.

Lucy told us, “It was the best feeling in the world to be picked! Lots of training and tactical work took place, and we had many matches lined up, but then due to the pandemic we couldn’t play and were gutted. The team rolled over to this year, and I have loved every second of being out in the field.”

Lucy is currently studying A level PE, Biology and Maths at Carmel and has just finished AS Level Further Maths. She is hoping to receive a Tennis Scholarship in America next year.

We are so pleased for Lucy and it just shows that even if you get knocked back and things don’t go to plan, never give up on your dreams!