“Leaders and managers create a culture of equality and diversity across the college in which staff and students celebrate difference. Students flourish in this inclusive environment as confident and mature individuals.”
As a Catholic College, Carmel is built on Christian principles and values. Mutual respect is seen as essential in a community where students are encouraged to recognise their responsibilities to self and others, and to the society in which they live. We were pleased that OFSTED during their 2019 inspection recognised the way we continually strive to reconcile our ethos with excellent equality and diversity practice.
OFSTED commented, “Students demonstrate high levels of respect, celebrate individual difference and strive to be the best they can be. Students behave with consistently high levels of respect for others. They play a highly positive role in creating a college environment in which commonalities are identified and celebrated, difference is valued and nurtured, and bullying, harassment and violence are never tolerated.”
Carmel College strives to reconcile equality and diversity to secure:
- Equality of access
- Equality of choice
- Equality of outcome
- Equality of process

We are very proud that staff and students at Carmel come from diverse backgrounds and this is something we believe should be celebrated. We recognise that everyone has unique value, dignity and worth, therefore we champion equality, combat discrimination and tackle any form of discrimination at Carmel.
We are proud to say that no individual will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex, marital status, gender reassignment, racial group, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age, socio-economic background, trade union membership, or any other irrelevant distinction.
When asked in a recent survey, one student said studying at Carmel College was “liberating”. We are proud that our students feel “liberated” and free to be their authentic selves, and that they feel supported and challenged, so that they are able to flourish, both academically and personally.
And we are 100% committed to the principles in our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy. We work hard to breakdown any barriers to access, participation, progression, attainment and achievement. We stand firm in the face of discrimination, harassment and bullying.

How is Equality, Diversity and Inclusion implemented at Carmel?
10:10 Ethics and Values Programme
Our Ethics and Values sessions supports students in their journey of flourishing as an individual through a holistic approach. This includes the social, moral, cultural and spiritual development of the young person to explore the world and understand their place within it.
Find out more about our 10:10 Ethics and Values Programme here
Curriculum Delivery and Enrichment
All subject departments include ED&I links within their schemes of work to support a whole college approach.
Our diverse and inclusive Enrichment Programme includes a range of activities that promote equality of opportunity. All students and staff can thrive together, understanding that difference is a positive, not a negative, and that individual characteristics make people unique in our inclusive environment. There is an extensive list of academic and wellbeing enrichment activities available including the Pride and Diversity group and sign language group and more.
College Events and Training
We have a thriving Carmel community that supports and celebrates all staff and students. We are proud to host annual events such as our Carmel Culture Day and our Speed Faithing Day and provide lots of opportunities for students to express themselves for example through the LBGTQ+ group and Art exhibitions. We also deliver staff / student training on areas concerning ED&I such as misogyny and the menopause.
Led by our College Chaplain in the Chapliancy, there is a structured approach to living the Catholic life and mission. As such, relationships within the college are really positive and are built on mutual trust and respect. We encourage students to recognise their responsibilities to themselves and to others. T
The Chaplaincy also provides opportunities for prayer, reflection and spiritual growth. Find out more about our Catholic Ethos here
Strategic Vision and Leadership
The strategic implementation of equality, diversity and inclusion can be viewed from a Carmel mission and culture perspective but also from a legal / HR side. The leadership of these areas can be witnessed in different ways as outlined below:
ED&I Co-ordinator – Supported by SLT, our ED&I Lead, supported by EDI committee and Champions, are responsible for maintaining the high profile of ED&I issues across college, highlighting and promoting opportunities for EDI in the college calendar and celebrating culture and diversity across the college.
Catholic Ethos Group –This is a group of senior and middle leaders at Carmel who are responsible for the strategic impact of Catholic life and living the mission. This group meets monthly to review the effectiveness of implementation, the quality of Religious Education and the impact of our Collective worship which all support equality, diversity and inclusion matters.
Human Resources – The HR Manager and Assistant Principal (Staffing and Catholic Ethos) play a central role in ensuring that EDI is central to college. HR works proactively towards ensuring there is a culture of safeguarding, all policies are up-to-date with any legal changes, no discrimination or harassment in any way is tolerated, relevant training is completed by staff and widening participation is actively encouraged.
ED&I Governance – The College’s Governing Body has appointed an ED&I link governor this academic year. Governors receive annual reporting on ED&I as well receiving up-to-date ED&I training.