Studying A Level Photography at Carmel has been one of the highlights of my time here. I particularly loved having the freedom to explore different techniques and styles within the subject and being able to choose the themes and directions of my projects. I loved experimenting with different genres and styles of photography and I really enjoyed working on my projects – I was able to choose the theme and have complete control over the work I produced.
I’ve also learnt so many skills through A Level Photography, from digital editing techniques to studio and darkroom work. The facilities in the art department are amazing and we had the freedom to utilise as many as we wanted in our projects.
I highly recommend A Level Photography to anyone starting Carmel. You don’t even need to have used a digital camera before as we learn all the necessary skills in class, and it’s a fun, creative and rewarding subject which allows you the freedom to develop your skills while creating projects tailored to your own interests.