I really enjoyed studying A level Law, my tutor was so supportive and guided me every step of the way.
There are lots of extra-curricular activities to get stuck into and it’s really inspired me to pursue a Law degree after I leave Carmel.

Grade 5 in GCSE English Language
Three examinations at the end of year two on:
Each paper includes a section on the English legal system. Students need good analytical skills and the ability to write detailed essays.
Law develops the ability to substantiate arguments with an enquiring and critical mind. This provides an excellent background for university and careers not only in law, but also in journalism, local and central government, public relations, teaching, and a range of management and business areas. Over half of our students go on to study for a degree in Law. Many of them study Law at the top universities including Oxford, Cambridge and Durham.
Law at Carmel provides an excellent background for careers not only in law, but also in journalism, local and central government, public relations, teaching, and a range of management and business areas.
Grade 5 in GCSE English Language