Summary of grades awarded

Overall effectiveness


The quality of education


Personal development


Leadership and management


Education programmes for young people


Provision for learners with high needs


A selection of comments from the Inspection Report

  • “Students, including the most disadvantaged and most students with high needs, achieve exceptionally well and make outstanding progress from their starting points.”
  • “The quality of teaching is consistently very high. Teachers teach skilfully crafted lessons, which ensure that students, including those with high needs, rapidly acquire
    substantial new knowledge and skills.”
  • “Teachers use of assessment to check students’ understanding is exceptional.”
  • “Students at Carmel have very high aspirations. They are consistently challenged by teachers to achieve their highest potential.”
  • “Students work diligently and produce work of a consistently high standard. They demonstrate incredibly positive attitudes to learning.”
  • “Students feel supported and cared for. They thrive at Carmel.”
  • “Leaders and teachers promote the ‘Carmel mindset’ in a caring and supportive culture.”
  • “Students enjoy an inclusive culture at college. They are courteous and respectful. Students celebrate one another’s differences.”
  • “Students benefit from taking part in a wide range of high-quality enrichment activities that help them to explore and extend their talents and interests.”
  • “Leaders provide students with high-quality careers advice and guidance. This helps them to gain access to higher education, apprenticeships and employment.”
  • “Governors have extensive expertise in educational and industry settings. Leaders and governors are highly ambitious for all students. They are relentless in their pursuit of the college mission and values to provide a centre of educational excellence, opportunity, challenge and support within a caring Christian environment.”


Carmel College Ofsted Report December 2024