Summary of grades awarded
Effectiveness of leadership & management
Quality of teaching, learning and assessment
Personal development, behaviour and welfare
Outcomes for learners
16 to 19 study programmes
Provision for learners with high needs
A selection of comments from the Inspection Report
- “Students strive to achieve the very high standards their teachers set. They make excellent progress, achieve their qualifications and progress to aspirational destinations.”
- “The quality of teaching and learning is outstanding. As a result, most students make rapid and sustained progress.”
- “The Catholic mission of the college, to promote excellence, opportunity, challenge and support for all students in a caring environment, infuses the organisation. The behaviour and actions of governors, staff and students reflect this mission daily.”
- “Students benefit from an extensive range of additional activities that build their self-confidence and self-awareness exceptionally well.”
- “Teachers use highly effective and skilful questioning routinely which extends learning, probes deeper understanding and builds students’ confidence and resilience.”
- “Leaders and managers foster a culture across the college that is compassionate and accepting of difference.”
- “Students benefit significantly from valuable careers advice and guidance that help them make aspirational and sound decisions about their future.”
- “Students’ progression into university, further education, employment and apprenticeships is excellent.”
- “Governance, leadership and management are outstanding. Governors and leaders are relentless in their pursuit of excellence.”
- “Teachers inspire and challenge students so that they are inquisitive and eager to learn.”
- “Students are proud to study at the college. They value and respond positively to the very high expectations and aspirations teachers have of them.”
- “The college has a vibrant modern campus with excellent facilities for learning.”
- “Highly committed, skilled and enthusiastic teachers inspire and motivate students to achieve their very best.”