To celebrate Black History Month, we held a competition across the college, to allow students to get creative!

The students had three different ways they could enter the competition. They could submit a poem about the contributions of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities or individuals. Enter a short story or children’s book about the lived experiences of BAME people/communities. Alternatively, they could submit a series of posters promoting racial equality.

We had some excellent entries and the Equality and Diversity Committee had the responsibility of voting for their favourite. Voting was very close, but we have our winners. These students will receive Amazon vouchers at the end of the week!

Congratulations to;

Sophie Goodwin – a poem about Harriet Tubman

Antonia Vojtko – Bouquet of the Past

Ava Smith – Racial Equality poster

Thank you to everyone who entered, they were fantastic!