We wanted to get to know our new Personal Development Officer, Naz Nabi-Walker and see what her plans are for helping support our students.

Naz has already made a big impact to the college by creating a ‘Reset Room’ for students to go and spend 5 minutes if they are feeling overwhelmed or anxious. In this space they can gather their thoughts or chat with Naz. Students will be able to book a time slot if they want to have a longer chat or they can ‘drop in’ if the room is free. There will be a suggestion box outside the room where anyone will be able to give their input anonymously about how we can improve mental health and wellbeing at college.


What is your job title?

Personal Development Officer

What does your role involve?

Supporting students by working with them to decrease barriers to learning. I will support and mentor students in achieving their full potential. I am also here to help advise students on how to access advice and guidance and to enable them to make informed choices. I aim to help students in developing strategies that improve their mental health & wellbeing.

Have you seen a rise in the number of students coming to see you and if so, why do you think that is?

As it’s a new role and I’m new to the college, I think that’s a bit hard to say just yet. However I think once student’s are aware of the drop in sessions and know that they can come for a quick chat, this might change.

What kind of things do students want to talk about?

At the moment its dealing with anxiety and the feeling like they are the only one feeling this way. Also some are finding having motivation difficult – which is completely normal, we all have dips in motivation! Especially in winter!

Do you see students on a regular basis as well as one-off chats?

Yes, both, it all depends on what they need and would like.

What do like about your job?

Being able to help and putting a smile on someone’s face when they are having a bad day.

What advice would you give to students if they are struggling but are unsure if they need to seek help?

To not be afraid to ask & to know it takes a lot of courage to speak up and ask for help. No one will judge you as we all need help sometimes. Find a staff member you can trust and have an honest conversation with them, once you do that you’ll see that staff honestly want the best for you.


Naz’s room is located in D007, staff are also welcome to use the room if they need too.

Don’t forget to follow our Personal Achievement Tutors Instagram – Carmel PATs Instagram